Laser Dentistry Tucson, AZ

Laser dentistry is one of the most advanced dental treatments today. A laser uses focused light energy with a stream of water for a highly precise, exceptionally gentle dental experience. The laser allows your dentist to perform a wide range of procedures with benefits including:

  • Laser Dentistry in Tucson, AZFaster healing time and less trauma to teeth and gums.
  • Less pain in many instances, reducing the need for anesthetic for procedures.
  • Reduces anxiety in patients who are uncomfortable with the use of a needle or dental drill.
  • Making dental care a more relaxing experience for you.
  • Minimizes bleeding and swelling during soft tissue treatments.
  • Laser precision helps the dentist preserve healthy tooth structure during cavity removal.

History of Dental Lasers

The first laser was developed in 1960 based on the theorized concept of stimulated emission by Albert Einstein in 1917. Medical and dental researchers have been developing practical applications ever since.

Dental researchers first reported in 1965 that a ruby laser could vaporize enamel. However, the thermal effects of continuous wave lasers at that time would damage the pulp. Other wavelengths were studied over the ensuing decades for both hard and soft tissue applications. In 1990, the first pulsed Nd: YAG laser designed specifically for the dental market was released. The year 1997 saw the FDA clearance of the first true dental hard tissue Er: YAG laser and the Er, Cr: YSGG a year later. Semiconductor-based diode lasers emerged in the late 1990s as well.

Nerve pulse

How Lasers Work

An Er, Cr: YSGG laser works by exciting water molecules and other molecules found in bone and teeth. A diode laser works by specific attraction to pigments in inflamed tissue. We use each of these in our office for many different procedures and applications.

The Er, Cr: YSGG has been found to cause far less discomfort for patients during cavity removal. There are several factors that contribute to this. Unlike with a dental drill, there is no heat or vibration. There is no contact with the tooth or pressure. From a biological perspective, it works by staying below the nerve threshold. Each pulse of the laser lasts just 50 millionths of a second where a nerve impulse takes one thousandth of a second.

Dental Laser Procedures

We use dental lasers for a variety of our treatments at Mohr Smiles. We believe that lasers can improve the oral health and experience of many of our patients.


A gingivectomy is contouring or shaping your gums using a laser to improve the appearance of your smile. We safely remove excess gum tissue that may give you a “gummy” smile, or make your front teeth appear irregular in size or shape.

Removal of Oral Growths

Quickly and safely remove growths or excess tissue in your mouth, including gum tissue over an unerupted tooth, small “tags” called papilla, and growths called fibromas.

Treatment of Cold Sores and Canker Sores

We can treat cold sores and canker sores with only topical anesthetic. For canker sores, the laser forms a sort of natural bandage to eliminate pain immediately. Cold Sores usually disappear the following day, especially when treated early. The procedure takes only a few minutes and we are happy to fit you into our schedule at your first sign of a problem.

Tongue Tie Removal

Connections under the tongue that restrict the movement of your tongue can cause speech and eating problems in children. When located on the outer part of your gums it can cause spreading of the teeth or early gum recession. These tissues can be “released” more quickly and with less post-operative pain using a laser.

Treatment of Periodontal Disease

We use lasers to remove debris and bacteria between your teeth and gums that can cause bleeding gums, gum recession and even loss of teeth. We provide REPAIR minimally invasive periodontal treatment for moderate to severe gum disease and periimplantitis.

Pediatric Dentistry

Children’s dental experiences when they are young may affect their willingness to seek dental care for the rest of their lives. A good experience for all children is a high priority in dentistry. We can safely perform all of the previously mentioned procedures on children. After orthodontic treatment, children with a tongue-tie, low frenum, operculum, or overgrown gums can be treated with minimal or no bleeding and a quick recovery time. Since restorative dentistry can often be performed without anesthetic or drills, behavioral management improves, and your child may have a far better experience.

Biostimulation Properties

Lasers have biostimulative properties that we can use to promote healing, bone and tissue regeneration, and promote post-operative comfort. For patients who have taken bisphosphonates and are at increased risk for osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ), bone surgery done with the laser has a reduced risk. ONJ occurs because the bisphosphonate drugs reduce osteoclastic activity in the bone. Since you need the activity to heal from surgical manipulation, ONJ can occur.

When manipulating bone with a laser, it minimally traumatized the bone. Therefore, you need less osteoclast activity in the bone for proper healing. Recent studies have shown that laser surgery of the bone results in better outcomes than traditional surgical approaches.

There are so many other applications for lasers in dentistry. These are just a few common ones. We welcome and appreciate your questions. If you have interest in learning more, please call and schedule a free consultation.